a little bit o'' this & a little bit o''that.
Published on July 3, 2004 By illusivedreamer In Politics
"To seve and protect". A saying we all know well. One in which is written on the side of police cars, and used as a motto for our government agencies, but it has no real truth behind it at present.

In 1776, this nation started electing presidents, the man that would make all the decisions based on the "good of the people", Men would gather, coming up with ideas, agree upon them anf put them to the test. It was decided that this country needed a man that would oversee the needs of the men, women and children of this new land. They all agreed and then had to put it in motion. This was done, but what most people either do not know or forgot, is that no one wanted to do this. The "people" went out to the farmers and pleaded with them to take on such a conquest. It was eventually successful.

Back then though, when a man stepped into the great "White House" that was created as a base for such a man, his family, and those associated with what was to become the most respected postions in the land, it was a voliuntary agreement. Yes, I said voluntary. They were not paid.

Our presidents who we learn about in the history books were men that were worthy of respect in all aspects. They were men that believed, when they signd the The Constitution, and from there,the Bill of Rights ( which were the first thirteen amendments of the Constitution), thought that they were paving the way to a successful country. They did not sign a form that indicated in either retirement, leaving office, empeachment, forced out of office and so on, they would be taken care of for the rest of their live's. They went in as farmers, Generals, politicians, and common men, and went out as the same.

Today, we " the people" are left with nothing but "politicians". I am not sure if others agree or what they think , but when I think of politician, I think of someone who got into a position in order to fill their pockets, ie; there are all lkinds of stipulations in becoming the President of the United States. Poltics had become a career, No more are the days that a man has to be barted with in order for him to agree to take on the assignment of presidency. It is now nothing more that a status que, a notch, a guarenteed life of protectioon, automatic respect, wealth, and power.

When our forefathers signed on, they did " serve and protect". This was why they were there, no ands, ifs, and buts about it. Now, it is not a matter of serving and protecting, it is a matter of "passing the buck", partaking in the game of ignorance, it is becoming a prerequesite to know how to say " I was not aware of this" . Our forefathers were men of strength , true character, honorability and they had a vision. A vision of what this country should become. I am sorry that thier vision was just that, a dream, a far off vision of what could be. We are now now narrowed down to men that are not thinking of " serving and protecting", but are standing before us, saying what we aant to hear in order to get into that beautiful White House on that very well protected street, line their pocket with " the people's"money till tommorow carried them out of the dooor to their cush new homw protected with our money becouse they onece were the "president" of The United States of America.

Careful what you wish for and what you vote for!!!!!

Keep the slogans for the lower class. " To serve and protect", the "people" do not believe it when they see it on the cop cars, don' t think foe a minute they fall for it from amyother entity in America. We are no longer serviced, protected, or taken care of.

on Jul 03, 2004
, no, no, no. If you translate their manual you'll see it is really a cookbook...

on Jul 03, 2004
A closer study of history is in order. Yes, these men are farmers, but given the fact that America was an agrarian nation at the time, that was by no means the humble station your post seems to infer. The founding fathers were, in fact, the wealthiest of the wealthy in this country, which is a primary reason taxes were such a huge concern.

Their wealthy status by no means makes them less noble or less worthy of the mantle; if anything in this case it makes them more so, as these were men who had estates and status to lose, along with their liberties and, likely, their lives, if they were unsuccessful. Your post, however, was an excellent post, and is very appropriate for the weekend.
on Jul 03, 2004
Gideon: I stand corrected, I know that you are right, but my words, mind and typing skills are not connected as they should at the moment. You, my friend are right on target, but, add your mantality to the words I am trying to say, and we have a really interesting and insightful post. I knew when I first started writting what I wanted to say, but in between the last and next Kahlua, I lost train of thought. fill in for me and we can make this great. I love this country and right now I am so dissappointed in what it truly has become. I vote, I stand at the corner of the street and voice my opinion loudly., but, every once in a while a need a helping voice. No matter if I can writte the words in my heart the way that I mean for them to be, I know what lingers behind their meaning and I can only hope that others will too. The whole meaning.....change. We are not the country our forefathers once envisioned.