I live in Ohio, the Mega lottery for this week exceeded records, it was worth two hundred, ninety million dollars. Could you imagins that? Oh what I would do. I know one thing, yes, bills, house, vehicles, vacaations, investments, and so on, would be a factor ( i worry about the details). but I would find a way to take care of people that otherwise are not. Without getting into the governement scope of things. If I lost money, oh well. I would GIVE, without giving to the government. But besid...
Due to the circulation of pictures of an inhumaine torture inflicted on Iranian POW's, America finds itself under the watchful eye of all other countries. In light of this, are we entering into a new phase of Americans fighting amoungst themselves? Will we be entertaining to watch? Is America squirming? With this controversy in the headlines America is forced to come to a speedy decision as to the punishment of their soldiers for their actions. Will the right decision be rendered or will...