"To seve and protect". A saying we all know well. One in which is written on the side of police cars, and used as a motto for our government agencies, but it has no real truth behind it at present. In 1776, this nation started electing presidents, the man that would make all the decisions based on the "good of the people", Men would gather, coming up with ideas, agree upon them anf put them to the test. It was decided that this country needed a man that would oversee the needs of the me...
In doing a little research, I have come to a rather humorous conclusion/answer. What if everyone just “wrote in” a candidate? It seems, America is tossed on who to vote for, because neither opponent is who America wants in office. It has become very clear that when it comes down to it, we are just settling? For the most part, we are in a position where we have no alternatives other then getting what we get, or is there? Come this November, what if everyone made a stand and voted f...