Going to stores nowadays gives you a choice at the end of your shopping trip, "would you like paper or plastic"? I have observed that most people say plastic, and I have thought about why that is. Here is just a small list of the many reasons, uses and thoughts behind the use of "plastic" bags. 1. Most importantly; recycling 2.They are great liners for your small garbage cans. 3. Good to use in the car for your garbage. 4. When you are out of freezer paper, they can be tripled and t...
When I was a teenager, I wrote this "book" thinking it was a tell all diary. In writting it, at the time, it become a "brag book". I say this because, than, everything I did came from a drug induced, rebelious, angry yet seemingly very happy, & lost , mantality. Also becouse if half of my friends knew even more than they did....I would be even more of a star. It ranged from my newfound popularity, to the most intimate moments. Well, when my parents found this "book", they were mortified, cal...
We all know the story of the stork, and the baby being left on the doorstep in a a basket, and yes, we are very aware that it is the mothers and fathers that produce these little humans, but seriously, where the heck do they REALLY come from. To watch a child develop and grow is the most amazing experience you could ever imagine and as you do, man are you subjected to the strangest things. Anyone who has raised, been a part of, or watched a child grow, knows that so much of the time you are ...
What a drag, I must leave the house I have stayed since Friday, nothing bad, just life has to go on for them and it is too much like a holiday for the kids when I am here. This also means that I will not have the access to the internet as I have...oh no! What will I do with myself? I know, I can pretend that I am on a pirate ship and the....no wait, reality is coming back...oh yeah, I have to find a place to go....now that's a drag. Too bad I couldn't treat this like an adventure. If I didn't...
Lead me to the land I desire, hold my hand & take me there. I wish to touch the magic & spread it to the maiden fair. Should I loose my way within this land, let me stay & smell the air, Don't take away this fantasy, for it is all of ours to share. The magic that I'll gather, has the strength to lift me high Above the darkened forrest but below the lighted sky. My wings that have since been tattered, will no longer be arie The tears of pain will all dry up, & no longer will ...
How the heck do you add Favorites, Links and things like that? I have tried by going to my account and heve gotten no where. Also, at the risk of sounding even stupider, what does it mean when it asks for "External URL"? Ok, end of my brain fogs!!!!!!!
Ok well, where to start, the beginning wold probably be a tad bit long winded, the middle would not make sense, and the end, well it has yet to come. Looking for answers can be exhausting, finding them even more. Keeping a smile on your face when you want to explode is yet another example of exhaustion to its fullest. Dedicating every moment of your day to pretending, facing humility, hunger in all ways, fake strength, inner & outer dilemma which only serves to pile more and more as the ...